Kamis, 13 September 2018

Welcome to Adulthood

Last August I’m entering my age of 22 and it wasn’t like my 21st birthday that I celebrated with all of excitement. I prepared everything for my 21st birthday, from the birthday cake that I bought by myself (as the symbol that I was officially 21 years old), to all the plans ahead that I made to live my age of 21 so that I can improve and transform myself to be a better person.

All those excitement came from the awareness that I’m no longer a little kid and I just felt that it’s time for me to make my own choices and take control of my own life without others’ intervention; in other words, I’m adulting.

Yup, adulting had been an interesting topic during my early age of 21 and it was started when I watched New Age Creators and SoSonia’s videos about adulting (I will provide the links below this story). Their videos really inspired me to be a real adult who can stand on their own feet and get their lives together.

However, like all people experienced, things are not as easy as we expected it from the first place. In the middle of my 21 I started feel exhausted, confused, and even lost. I need to deal with a lot of things started from dealing with time management, meal and financial planning, controlling my mood swings, making friend as an adult and other stuff. I actually started to learn about those stuff since I was 18 and entering university life, but I had never been this concern before I turned 21.

Yet at my age of 22, still sometimes I felt so lost, so here I am on my blog to share with you what I experience, feel, and face, and how I deal with it in hope that I can put stuff in my brain out and maybe what I’ve learned can be a useful and relatable for you and most importantly we can also share our experiences from each other. J
See ya in the next post J

13th September 2018

**Here are New Age Creators and SoSonia’s Videos that had inspired me to grow up: